Appointed: Non-Executive Director in May 2016. Senior Independent Director in December 2017.
Skills and contribution: Laurence has significant experience in growing, simplifying and unifying complex international and industrial manufacturing businesses and brings valuable knowledge of the energy (including renewables), steel and infrastructure industries, and insight into some of our key markets.
Career and experience: Laurence was Chief Executive of independent power producer Eoxis UK Limited from 2010 to 2013. Prior to this, she spent 11 years at BP in a variety of roles including Chief Executive of Castrol Industrial Lubricants and Services. Laurence also held senior positions in Amoco Chemical Inc, M&M Mars Inc. and Banque Nationale de Paris.
Additional appointments: Chair of Voltalia S.A. and Globeleq Ltd. Member of the supervisory board and Chair of the Audit Committee of Siemens Energy AG.
Committees: Audit, Nomination and Remuneration.